INNIS Performing Arts Academy

Give your child a gift that lasts a lifetime...
Let us teach them to dance!!

“Give your child a gift that lasts a lifetime…
Let us teach them to dance!”

For the past 17 years the Innis Performing Arts Academy has provided countless memories, fun, enjoyment and quality dance tuition to over one thousand families in the Athelstone area and surrounding community.

The Innis Performing Arts Academy offers classes to children from 3 years of age through to advanced levels, and offers a combination of dance styles including song and dance, tap, modern jazz/funk, hip hop, classical ballet, modern and contemporary.

In mid-November all students (junior and senior school) are involved in the academy’s two annual performances.

Students are also offered examination classes (Tap, Modern Jazz, and Classical Ballet -CSTD syllabus).

Classes are held at the Athelstone Primary School, Springfield Avenue, Athelstone in an air-conditioned, mirrored studio.

If you would like further information, please contact Lisa Innis CSTD Tap dip – Principal on 8336 3221.
